법률 정보

Font Accuracy Disclaimer:

All fonts presented on Font Generator Page may include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. We do not warrant that any of the materials on our website are accurate, complete, or current.

In the Fonts in Use section, a font used in a logo or title is identified based on public announcements, internet resources, user submissions, and our knowledge and experience. Therefore, we do not guarantee accuracy. If the identified font is a commercial one, we will provide a link for license purchase and also offer a free alternative if available. However, we do not guarantee accuracy either.

Font License:

All fonts presented on Font Generator Page are the property of their designers and are either freeware, shareware, demo versions, donationware, or public domain/GPL/OFL software.
In the Font Collection section, each font’s license is displayed below the font’s preview image. For your reference, below are the license types and the corresponding font usage permissions:
  • 무료: Free for both personal and commercial use.
  • Free for personal use: Free for personal use only; contact designers for commercial use.
  • Demo: Free for personal use; contact designers for commercial use and full version.
  • Donationware: Free for personal use; commercial use might require a donation.
  • Shareware: Free for personal use; contact designers for commercial use.
  • Public Domain, GPL, OFL: Free for both personal and commercial use.
  • SIL Open Font License (OFL): Free for both personal and commercial use.
  • Unknown: We don’t have information about the license; it might be any of the license types mentioned above.

The displayed license tag is just a rough indication. Please refer to the readme files (usually in .txt or .pdf format) included within the downloaded ZIP files for more details about the license, and contact the font designer if in doubt.

To find contact information about the font designer, you can try the following methods:

  • Find and read the readme files (usually in .txt or .pdf format) included within the downloaded ZIP files.
  • On each font’s download page, find the section labeled Font Info, which lists the license information, designer or foundry name, website, etc.

If the license is not available and you cannot contact the designer for some reason, you should not use the font for commercial purposes.

To check out all commercial-use allowed fonts, visit our Font Collection page.

Personal Use & Commercial Use:

Some font designers may have their specific definitions of personal use and commercial use, but generally:

Personal Use refers to usage that does not generate profit, such as:

  • Scrapbooking
  • Graphic design for friends and family, such as flyers or invitations
  • Making T-shirts for yourself or friends but not selling them
  • Prints and graphics for churches, charities, and other non-profit organizations

Commercial Use refers to usage in a business environment, such as:

  • Business cards, logos, advertising, websites, and videos for companies
  • Making T-shirts, stickers, posters that will be sold for money
  • Other cases where you will be compensated

Contact the designer if you are unsure whether your usage falls under Personal Use or Commercial Use.

Image License:

글꼴 생성기 페이지 does not restrict the usage of images generated with its various online tools, whether for commercial use or otherwise.

However, the usage of text graphics generated through the Text Generators/Font Preview Tools is subject to and subordinate to the license of each font with which the image was generated. This means if you generate a logo for your company (commercial use) with a personal-use-only font, you will need to contact the designer for permission or licensing.

If the license is not available and you cannot contact the designer for some reason, you should not use the generated graphics for commercial purposes.

To create text graphics that allow for commercial use, visit our Font Collection page, select a font, and click on PREVIEW to start creating.

Font Designers:

Thank you to all designers for creating the fonts and making them freely available to the public!

If you are the owner of a font and would like your font to be updated for font files, links, etc., or if you simply prefer not to have your work showcased, please contact us so that we can update or remove it.

File Expiration:

Your uploaded images and images processed by our image tools will be removed from our server within one hour.

Your uploaded TTF/OTF files for text creation will be removed from our server within two hours.

All images generated through our text generators will be removed from our server within one hour.

The only exception is if you use the embed button and get permalinks/embed codes for an image; we will store that image permanently for you.